DEWT5 announced

The 5th DEWT peer conference will take place January 16-18th at Hotel Bergse Bossen Driebergen, the Netherlands. The central theme is “Test Strategy“. This version of DEWT will be organized by Philip Hoeben as conference chair, Ruud Cox as content owner and Huib Schoots as facilitator. The twitter hashtag for this peer conference will be #DEWT5.

This conference is for DEWTs and invitees only. Ruud has written the following invitation/call for papers:
At DEWT5, we would like to focus on test strategy, the set of ideas that guide your test design. A test strategy lives throughout the entire lifecycle of a testing project. It includes planning, execution, and reporting, so your experience report could describe any part of a project, or all of it. Some questions to help you focus your experience report:

  • How did the context of your project influence your test strategy? Which factors were taken into account? Which ones were deliberately left out?
  • Did you use a specific method when you created your test strategy? What did work? What didn’t work? How did you know?
  • How did you found out what was important?
  • Did you document your test strategy, and if so in what format?
  • Was your test strategy supported by the decision makers? How about the project team. If you did not document the test strategy, how did you proceed, and how did that work for you?
  • How did your test strategy evolve over time during the project?
  • Did you drop some ideas and pick up others as the test project progressed?
  • Did your approach to test strategy change as the project progressed? Were there any particular challenges associated with test strategy?
  • Was the test strategy successful? Why do you think that? How did you know?

DEWT5 is modelled after the Los Altos Workshop on Software Testing (LAWST) and the Software Test Managers Roundtable (STMR). Information about how those meetings are run can be found at their respective websites at, and Attendees are asked to prepare experience reports about the proposed topic.

So far 25 people have confirmed that they will participate: Ben Peachey, Daniel Wiersma, Eddy Bruin, Helena Jeret-Mäe, Huib Schoots, Ilari Henrik Aegerter, Jackie Frank, Jeanne Hofmans, Jean-Paul Varwijk, Jeroen Mengerink, Joep Schuurkes, Joris Meerts, Maaike Brinkhof, Maaret Pyhäjärvi, Marjana Shammi, Massimo D’Antonio, Pascal Dufour, Peter “Simon” Schrijver, Philip Hoeben, Ray Oei, Richard Bradshaw, Ruud Cox, Ruud Teunissen, Simon Knight, Zeger van Hese.

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